Feel Better Whilst Working on Projects

But what would it take if we really wanted to feel better whilst working on projects?


Piyush Prashant

12/4/20232 min read

Well-being is a skill we can all learn and the effects can be observed in the mind.

All it takes is practice. The more we practice, the more we will strengthen those circuits in the brain that promote higher levels of well-being.


In today’s world, we are constantly under pressure to perform and meet deadlines, leading to increased stress levels and adversely affecting our well-being.

However, there are ways to improve our well-being, which can make us feel better and increase productivity and success in our projects. Let’s examine the four ingredients that lead to well-being.

The first ingredient, resilience, is the ability to bounce back and recover from stress and adversity. In other words, it’s the speed at which we recover from unexpected changes and difficult situations.

Some people recover slowly, and other people recover more quickly. It turns out that scientists can measure the time it takes for our brain to bounce back, and that this time span is critical for understanding resilience.

Individuals who show a more rapid recovery have higher levels of well-being. They are, in many ways, protected from stress and the many unexpected events that happen on a project.

To increase resilience, we need to practice techniques that promote resilience. These include mindfulness, exercise, positive thinking, and social support.

Positive Emotion:

The second ingredient is a positive emotion. Positive emotion refers to the experience of joy, gratitude, contentment, and other positive feelings. Individuals who experience higher levels of positive emotion tend to have higher levels of well-being.

To increase positive emotion, we need to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and work. This can be achieved by cultivating gratitude, practicing acts of kindness, and engaging in activities that bring us joy. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can increase positive emotions and lead to higher levels of well-being.


The third ingredient is attention. Attention refers to our ability to focus and direct our attention to the task at hand. Individuals who have higher levels of attention tend to have higher levels of well-being.

To increase attention, we need to practice mindfulness and meditation. These techniques can help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions and learn to focus our attention on the present moment. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness and meditation can improve attention and lead to higher levels of well-being.


The fourth ingredient is generosity. Generosity refers to our willingness to give and help others. Individuals who are more generous tend to have higher levels of well-being.

To increase generosity, we need to cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy towards others. We can do this by practicing acts of kindness, volunteering, and donating to charity. Research has shown that practicing generosity can lead to increased positive emotion and higher levels of well-being.

In conclusion, well-being is a skill that can be learned and practiced. By focusing on the four ingredients of resilience, positive emotion, attention, and generosity, we can improve our well-being and become more successful in our projects.

We need to practice techniques that promote resilience, focus on the positive aspects of our lives and work, practice mindfulness and meditation to increase attention and cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy towards others to increase generosity. Doing so can create a happier and more productive workplace, leading to greater success in our projects.